TN ITRC 152 Reading Galaxy Tags from IntelaTrac
Last updated: March 8th, 2025Description
- Author: Richard Brooks
- Published: March 8th, 2025
This article from InSource shows how to read Galaxy tag data from Wonderware IntelaTrac.
- Author: Rich Brooks
- Published: 1/15/2018
- Applies to: Wonderware IntelaTrac 2017 and higher
The first step is to configure the galaxy integration in the IntelaTrac Management Console (IMC). Open Procedure Builder found under Content Management on the left panel.
Select List Manager | Edit | Server Integration Configs from the menu.
Right-click on WW Galaxy Configuration from the Server Integration Configs panel to Add WW Galaxy Configuration.
Type in the WW Galaxy Configuration information. An example is shown above.
- Server Name - A name for the configuration to be used in IntelaTrac.
- Send Approved Only - Galaxy tag writes will wait on an approval of the procedure in Auditor Plus.
- User: A login for the galaxy.
- Password: A password for the galaxy.
- Sleep Seconds - Frequency for the ArchestrA Update Service. 15 minutes is recommended.
- MX Read/Write TimeOut Seconds - Timeout period for read/write failures.
Reading galaxy tag (object.attribute) values is accomplished using the @GetArchestrAData function. The following is an example showing the use of this function in a condition.
Clicking on the ellipsis button found under the Calculation Expression opens the Expression Editor.
The @GetArchestrAData function has a single argument. The galaxy tag name is passed as a string. This tag is the galaxy reference.
NOTE: A wireless connection on the Mobile device is required to fetch the ArchestrA data using the @GetArchestrAData function. This function is part of the Wonderware Galaxy plug-in.