TN IT349 Delayed AutoStart InTouch
Last updated: March 6th, 2025Description
- Author: Chris Cleope
- Published: March 6th, 2025
This article from InSource shows how to start Wonderware's InTouch WindowViewer runtime automatically with a delayed start. This is sometimes needed to allow other related appliactions to start first.
- Author: Chris Selph
- Published: 5/22/2019
- Applies to: InTouch most versions (this example in on Win10)
Set the default runtime InTouch application using the InTouch Application Manager so that when WindowViewer is started, it will start with that application.
Create a batch file and put in a location of your choice. (a batch file is a text file with .bat extension)
You can copy the text below and paste. NOTE: be sure to match your directories and drives.
cd /d e:\wonderware\wonderware\InTouch
timeout /t 100 /nobreak
start view.exe
exit /b
You can test each command individually by using the command line interface. (Start > Run > CMD)
Here are explanations for the commands.
Test by running the batch file manually. Test with a short timeout to save time.
Batch file executing in command window.
If the batch file is successful manually, you will now configure the Windows Task Scheduler to execute the batch file automatically when any user logs into this computer.
Start the Task Scheduler by searching for "task" and clicking the result in Windows start menu.
Create a new scheduled task and configure as shown here. The Wonderware "folder" shown here is optional.
Set the trigger to fire when any user logs in. This could be a specific user.
Set the action to run the batch file you created above.
Test by running the task manually. If that works, your final test is to log out and log back into the PC to see if it runs as you would expect.