TN IT265 InTouch Historical Logging not working in a NAD Terminal Services Environment
Last updated: February 20th, 2025Description
- Author: Rufus Handsome
- Published: February 20th, 2025
This article from InSource shows possible ways to resolve the problem of InTouch Historical Logging not working with NAD in a Terminal Services envrionment.
- Author: Rufus Handsome
- Published: 04/25/2017
- Applies to: InTouch ver 10.1 and higher
There are 2 possible options to resolve this issue.
Option 1 - Recommended
The customer can "Configure Distributed History Providers" within Window Maker under menu option "Special -> Configure -> Distributed Name Manager and selecting the "Distributed History" tab and configuring the options. Information on how to do this is in the online help under topic "Logging Data in a Distributed Environment"
Option 2 - refers to Schneider Electric legacy support Tech Note #256
"Using Network Application Development (NAD) with InTouch
Specifically under - "Important Considerations When Using NAD"
NOTE - "NAD does not copy all files from the Master NAD application. By design, there is a number of files and extensions that are not copied, including: History files (lgh, idx) Compiled windows (wvw) Backup files (dbk,cbk, hbk,kbk,lbk,nbk,obk,tbk,wbk,xbk) Retentive files (retentiv.x,retentiv.d,retentiv.a,retentiv.s, retentiv.h,retentiv.t) WindowMaker settings (wm.ini) Alarm Group definitions (group.def) ActiveX controls index (itocx.cfg)
See the Undocumented NAD settings below for a way to override the default files that are copied from a Master NAD node."
Undocumented NAD Settings - Using the below settings can allow lgh,idx files to be copied to client nodes.
The following are previously undocumented switches that can be added to the [InTouch]section of the win.ini file.
ViewNADExcludedExtensions. List of file extensions to exclude from the NAD copy process. The default extensionsexcluded from the copy process is shown; you can add or remove extensions by setting thisswitch in the win.ini file:
ViewNADExcludedExtensions ="wvw,dat,lgh,idx,log,lok,fsm,stg,dbk,cbk,hbk,kbk,lbk,nbk,obk,tbk,wbk,xbk,$$$"
ViewNADExcludeFiles. List of files to exclude from the NAD copy process. The list of default files excludedby NAD is shown; you can add or remove extensions by setting this switch in the win.ini file: ViewNADExcludeFiles =
ViewNADCopyAllFiles=1. When set to one, this flag will force all files to be copied to the local NAD directorywhen WindowViewer is started or restarted (excluded extensions are still excluded). Whenset to zero, only changed files are copied: ViewNADCopyAllFiles = 0