TN IT178 Deploying a Read-Only InTouch Application
Last updated: March 6th, 2025Description
- Author: Richard Brooks
- Published: March 6th, 2025
This tech note details the challenges involved in deploying a read-only InTouch application. In this case, one InTouchViewApp template is maintained. The read-only clients sessions are running on the same terminal servers as the regular view clients.
- Author: Rich Brooks
- Published: 11/9/2015
- Applies to: InTouch v11.1 and higher
- Start on the IDE from the development server. Make the required modifications. Check-in the template to save the changes.
- Export the master InTouchViewApp object from the IDE.
- Temporarily rename the master InTouchViewApp in the IDE. Renaming is required to import a second copy of the same object into the IDE.
- Import the exported InTouchViewApp object back into the IDE.
- Rename the imported object to add an _RO suffix.
- Rename the master InTouchViewApp template back to what it was before the rename.
- Double-click the _RO InTouchViewApp object to launch the WindowMaker.
- Select Special – Configure- Remote Access.. from the menu.
- Click on the radio button for ‘Restrict all users to READ ONLY access’ and then click the OK button.
- Save and close the InTouch application.
- Go to the server with administrative access to ThinManager.
- Launch ThinManager and disable the read only terminals that are currently running on the servers. The disable button is found on the Tools menu.
- Open Remote Desktop Services Manager from the Windows start button.
- Highlight and reset all of the read only sessions. Wait for them to drop off the list before continuing.
- Return to the IDE from the development server.
- Undeploy and delete the read only instances of the InTouchViewApp.
- Delete the old read only InTouchViewApp template.
- Rename the new read only template by changing the _RO suffix to an _ReadOnly suffix.
- Create new instances from the _ReadOnly InTouchViewApp template as required.
- Deploy each of the instances separately.
- Return to the server with access to ThinManager.
- Enable the disabled terminals.
- Launch WindowViewer for each of the clients.
- Check to be sure everything looks ok from runtime.