TN IT170 Configuration issue with Alarm Hot Backup Pair.
Last updated: February 21st, 2025Description
- Author: Ernest Lee
- Published: February 21st, 2025
A workaround for the restriction of certain characters e.g. (.) and (:) which are not allowed to be used in the Name field of both Primary and Backup nodes.
- Author: Ernest Lee
- Published: 11/25/2015
- Applies to: 7.1 through current
At times, in configuring an InTouch Alarm Hot Backup Pair, it is required to use a node name format other than the computer's NetBIOS name for the Primary and/or Backup nodes. For example,
- IP address must be used when there is a NetBIOS name resolution issue.
- A colon character must be used to reference an alarm provider running on the Console session of a Windows 2008 Terminal Server.
- Both the colon character and the IP address must be used to reference an alarm provider running on a Client session of a Terminal Server.
However, when an IP address or a colon is used as part of the Name when you configure the Alarm Hot Backup Pair, a validation error occurs.
Software gives error message below:
While this issue is being addressed in future InTouch releases, a workaround to this issue is available and supported.
A Workaround to Validation Issue
The Alarm Hot Backup Pair configuration is stored in a file called Provacc.ini. This file is located inside the InTouch application folder.
You can modify the configuration information by opening this .ini file and replacing the Name information in the file with a format of the node name as required. Be sure to save your changes when closing the file.
Once that is done the new name will reflect in the Hot Backup Pair application: