TN 1361 InTouch WindowMaker crashes on startup
Last updated: March 9th, 2025Description
- Author: Frank Ross
- Published: March 9th, 2025
InTouch WindowMaker crashes (stops) when attempting to start the application.
- Author: Frank Ross
- Published: 04/24/2023
- Applies to: Aveva System Platform 2023
In the Aveva System Platform 2023, there is a known issue where InTouch will crash when attempting to launch the application. The Operations Control Management Console will likely produce the error message as shown in illustration-1 (see below). Aveva has released a hotfix 2173252 that can, in some cases, resolve this issue. NOTE, this hotfix is included in SP2023 Patch 01. Illustration-2 (see below) shows the Windows Event Viewer Application error log.
If applying the hotfix 2173252 does not resolve the crashing issue, another solution that could resolve this issue is to remove specific files from the computer. These files are "DefaultThme.the" and "DockSettings.xml". These files can be found in folder C:\Users\lmadmin\AppData\Local\Wonderware. Remove (delete) both files and restart WindowMaker.