[ISS Support Case] Trend Pages Displaying Blank
Last updated: March 6th, 2025Description
User called in due to issue when navigating Trend pages. Upon moving to the fourth page it would show blank with no trend information. The first three trend screens viewed would function normally. Client was initially receiving this error message from view: "HIST Abort Ack Message ERROR: Server not Responding." When reviewing documentation relevant to this error message found issue could be related to IE packages being used to serve Trend pages. (InTouch 7.1 and later (including ver 7.11) requires Internet Explorer 5.5 or above to be installed. InTouch 7.1 and later requires Internet Explorer (IE) to be installed on the machine. InTouch uses many resources and libraries that are provided by IE. After installing IE issue persisted. Requested that user check if HD.exe is running in task manager and it was not. When user attempting to start the service he received multiple error messages from WWHEAP: "(000b) HSareInternal: Expected ERROR_ALREADY_EXIST. 0" "Your system may be low on memory "and then an access denied message followed by what appeared to be a memory address. After reviewing further documentation relevant to WWHeap error messages found this: The wwHeap.dll module is single threaded and requires that all your IDEA applications communicate with it as a single threaded application. If your IDEA applications are allocating too much wwHeap memory, WindowViewer may not be able to allocate memory for itself, causing assertion errors or even access violations. It is also possible to run into errors in your IDEA applications if Window Viewer is too busy processing scripts, alarms, or history, or if the CPU usage is high. Error: "WWHEAP/(000e) HShareInternal: Expected ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS". This error usually points to duplicate dlls on your system such as the wwheap.dll. Requested that user delete the two erroneous copies of the DLL from their system which temporarily resolved this issue. The issue reoccurred, but only when browsing two specific trends and when logged in as an operations user. Provided client with change network utility to assign an admin account for connection to the Trends. Client has advised this is working currently and would follow up later this week to verify continued operation.
- Author: Kevin Modlin
- Published: March 6th, 2025
Product: InTouch |
Version: 11.6 |
Solution: [Solution is visible below when you're logged in and have a current subscription] |
Date Created: | 01/19/2024 |
Case: | 86142 |
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