[ISS Support Case] One RDP session failing to acqiuire ReadWrite license
Last updated: March 7th, 2025Description
Our system uses ThinManager to launch a series of clients from numerous RDP sessions run against our two terminal servers. System has run properly this way for years, but this afternoon one particular senssion for one specific user stopped working. Now it displays the error "This InTouch application could not acquire a ReadWrite license for Remote Desktop Services client". The configuration license server test connection works properly and all the other sessions run against the same server work properly. Doing a forced disconnect for the user in question results in it reconnecting as expected, launching the client, and failing to acquire a license.
- Author: Kevin Modlin
- Published: March 7th, 2025
Product: InTouch |
Version: 2017 |
Solution: [Solution is visible below when you're logged in and have a current subscription] |
Date Created: | 08/23/2023 |
Case: | 85151 |
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