[ISS Support Case] aaTrend Border
Last updated: March 6th, 2025Description
I have the aaTrendControl working in an object that is embedded in a traditional intouch application. I would like to remove/hide the white border/background and the tag info. on show script as follows. dim Color as integer; aaTrendControl1.AddServerEx(MsgInSqlName,"","",true); aaTrendControl1.LoginTimeout = 15; aaTrendControl1.RetrievalOptionsRetrievalStyle = "BestFit-5"; {live mode rate is update rate in milliseconds} aaTrendControl1.LiveModeRate = 5000; aaTrendControl1.AllowContextMenu = 1; aaTrendControl1.ToolbarVisible = 0; aaTrendControl1.TagPickerVisible = 0; aaTrendControl1.TagListRows = 0; aaTrendControl1.GridHorizontal = 0; aaTrendControl1.GridVertical = 0; aaTrendControl1.GridVisible = 0; aaTrendControl1.TimeBarVisible = 0; aaTrendControl1.TimeBarVisible2 = 0; 'Color = 16777215; 'white Color = 12632256; ' grey aaTrendControl1.PlotColor = Color; {default 16777215;} aaTrendControl1.BorderColor = Color; 'aaTrendControl1.BorderStyle = 0; ' 0=solid 1=dash 2=dots aaTrendControl1.BorderWidth = 0; aaTrendControl1.DataPointLabelType = 0; ' 0=no labels aaTrendControl1.NumDataPointLabels = 0; aaTrendControl1.ValueAxisLabel = 3; ' 3 is no label DIM intTemp AS INTEGER; IF StringLen( MsgDuration ) == 0 THEN aaTrendControl1.SetDuration("04:00:00"); ELSE intTemp = StringToIntg( MsgDuration ); IF intTemp < 24 THEN aaTrendControl1.SetDuration(MsgDuration + ":00:00"); ELSE if (intTemp == 24) then {1 days} aaTrendControl1.TimeSelector.TimeDuration = 27; {Set duration is limited to 24 hours so new command required} else {2 days} aaTrendControl1.TimeSelector.TimeDuration = 28; endif; ENDIF; ENDIF; aaTrendControl1.RealTimeMode = 1; aaTrendControl1.AddAnyTag(MsgInSqlName, MsgTagname); aaTrendControl1.SetTagPenWidth(MsgInSqlName,MsgTagname, 2); aaTrendControl1.SetTagColor(MsgInSqlName,MsgTagname, 0); ' something above defaults it to show cursors. put this last. {aaTrendControl1.ShowValuesAtCursor = 0;} 'aaTrendControl1.XCursor1Color = Color; 'aaTrendControl1.XCursor2Color = Color; aaTrendControl1.ShowXAxisCursors = 0; aaTrendControl1.ShowYAxisCursor = 0;
- Author: Kevin Modlin
- Published: March 6th, 2025
Product: InTouch |
Version: 2020 R2 |
Solution: [Solution is visible below when you're logged in and have a current subscription] |
Date Created: | 04/24/2024 |
Case: | 86896 |
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