TN IT103 Backup or Move an InTouch Application
Last updated: March 9th, 2025Description
- Author: Brian Schneider
- Published: March 9th, 2025
Would like to backup an existing InTouch application, or move it to another computer.
- Author: Brian Schneider
- Published: 09/23/2014
- Applies to: InTouch Classic, InTouch for System Platform
How and When to Use this Guide
Would like to take an existing application and either create a backup of it, or move the application to another computer, but unsure on the procedure.
Standalone InTouch:
Finding and backing up your existing application:
- Close any applications that you have open, including InTouch WindowMaker and WindowViewer.
- Launch InTouch Application Manager by going to Start > Programs > Wonderware > InTouch > InTouch.
- The existing application will be listed. Find the column labelled Path, and browse to this folder on the harddrive.
- Copy the entire folder. This will be your backup.
Using a backed up application:
- Close any applications that you have open.
- Copy your backup application onto the computer's harddrive.
- Launch InTouch Application Manager by going to Start > Programs > Wonderware > InTouch > InTouch.
- Go to Tools > Find Applications.
- Select the folder where your backup application is stored, and press OK. This will add the application to the list in Application Manager.
Solution - Managed InTouch:
Finding and backing up your existing template:
- Close any applications that you have open.
- Launch the ArchestrA IDE by going to Start > Programs > Wonderware > ArchestrA IDE.
- Connect to your Galaxy.
- In the Template Toolbox locate the InTouchViewApp template which you would like to backup.
- Ensure your template is checked in. If it is not, right click on the template and select Check In.
- Right click on the template and go to Export > Objects.
- Select the name and location of where you would like to save your application. This will save your application as a compress aaPKG file which can be opened by the ArchestrA IDE.
Using a backed up InTouchViewApp:
- Close any applications that you have open.
- Copy your backup aaPKG file onto the computer's harddrive.
- Launch the ArchestrA IDE by going to Start > Programs > Wonderware > ArchestrA IDE.
- Connect to your Galaxy.
- Go to the Galaxy menu and select Import > Object(s)
- Find the aaPKG backup file.
- Options will be shown asking what should be done if a file with the same name is found. Select what is appropriate for your situation. When finished, the InTouchViewApp template will be within the galaxy.