TN Hist256 Renaming computer name is OS User roles in SQL Server after a computer name has been changed
Last updated: March 3rd, 2025Description
- Author: Joe Hefner
- Published: March 3rd, 2025
This article from InSource shows how to rename SQL Server OS Role computer names after a computer name has been changed. This may be needed if Wonderware Historian was installed before changing the name of the computer.
- Author: Joseph Hefner
- Published: 06/24/2016
- Applies to: SQL Server 2005 or later
- Follow Tech Note 1191 to ensure the Historian and SQL Server configuration is correct on the new computer.
- Open SQL Server Management studio and locate the roles still associated with the old computer name:
- Right Click on each role and select "Rename":
- Change the computer name in each role to the new computer name:
After completion this should look similar to the screenshot below: