Publish is grayed out from within Historian Client Trend
Last updated: March 9th, 2025Description
- Author: Joe Hefner
- Published: March 9th, 2025
This tech note goes through an approach for setting up Historian Client trend publishing if this option is grayed out within the "File" menu.
- Author: Joseph Hefner
- Published: 11/25/2015
- Applies to: Historian Client 10 and above
Step 1:
Confirm you are seeing the same issue as the one in the screenshot below:
Step 2:
Confirm the Historian server that the tags are coming from. This can be found by looking at the Server column in the selected tag window. If you are selecting tags from multiple Historians at least one of these must be configured for Historian Client Reports.
Step 3:
Launch SQL Server Management Studio:
Step 4:
After connecting to SQL Server find the Runtime database and select the Top 1000 Rows from the dbo.aaHistClientReportSite Table.
Step 5:
Confirm that the query returns an empty result set as below:
Step 6:
Launch the Configurator on your Wonderware Information Server machine:
Step 7:
Confirm that the ActiveFactory Reporting section has a green check mark as below:
If ActiveFactory Reporting is here but does not have a green check mark, it will need to be configured by clicking the Configure button. If it is missing, the component will need to be added to the installation of Information Server by modifying the Information Server installation as shown later in the tech note in Step 9. Otherwise, proceed to step 8.
Step 8:
From Control Panel \ Programs and Features modify the installation of Wonderware Information Server and uninstall the ActiveFactory Reporting section of Information Server by following the screenshots below.
Uncheck the checkbox for "ActiveFactory Reporting"
Step 9:
After the modification completes, Reinstall ActiveFacotry Reporting by following Step 8 again and rechecking the checkbox for ActiveFactory Reporting.
Step 10:
Relaunch the Wonderware Configurator on the Information Server machine and click ActiveFactory Reporting and Configure:
Step 11:
Repeat Steps 3 -5 above and confirm that you now see an entry for the Reporting Site.
Step 12:
Confirm that you are now able to publish from within Historian Client Trend,