TN HistClient141 Historian Client Silent Install
Last updated: March 4th, 2025Description
- Author: Richard Brooks
- Published: March 4th, 2025
This article from InSource shows how to silently install the Wonderware Historian Client. The Historian Client is often installed for a large number of users. This provides command line options for installation that may be used by IT to push out the application to each machine.
- Author: Rich Brooks
- Published: 9/24/2018
- Applies to: Wonderware Historian Client 2014R2 SP1 and higher
The Historian Client is installed using the Wonderware System Platform DVD or ISO file. Type Setup /? from a command prompt to see the installation switches.
A response file is used to select the options for the installation. Browse to the \InstallFiles\ResponseFiles\Samples folder for example response files.
We will use the Historian Client.txt file as a bootstrap is not required. Open the text file in Notepad to edit the XML format text file.
Edit the UserName and Password to enter the ArchestrA user credentials.
FeatureForm.SFeatureList=Historian Client.Medusa,Licensing.LicenseManager
FeatureForm.SInstallDir=C:\Program Files (x86)
Use the silent installation syntax to install the Historian Client from a command line or batch file.
<DVD>:\setup.exe /silent “<path\Historian Client.text>”
The installation will run without any responses required from the user.