TN HistClient116 How To save a Historian Client Query into favorites.
Last updated: March 4th, 2025Description
- Author: Alex Davenport
- Published: March 4th, 2025
This Tech Note will walk you through creating a query in Historian Client Trend and then saving the query via a sql file into the Favorites are for future use. In this example we are going to generate a query on two tags named ReactTemp and ReactLevel for a 30 minute period then saving it as our Reactor query.
- Author: Alex Daevnport
- Published: 12/18/2015
- Applies to: Historian Client
- Open your Historian Client Query via Start - All Programs - Wonderware - Historian Client. Select the tags from the Tag Picker that you wish to use in your query. In this example ReactTemp and ReactLevel have been selected.
- Click on Query Type and select History values as seen below.
- Select which columns you wish to display by checking/unchecking the relevant boxes. As yo make the selection the Results will update.
- Click on the Time Tab and click on the middle Time column and select 30 minutes.
- In this example (optional) you can select the Format Tab and Wide Query Format.
- Once finished with the options you wish to select click on the SQL Tab in the Results Tab.
- Click on File - Save then name the SQL Query as appropriate. In this case it's been named Reactor.sql and keep this at the default location. Click the Save button.
- Click on the Query type option and select Favorites. The query you saved will now be available to use or even edit further.
- Click on the Query you saved and the Data Tab the data for that moment will now be displayed.