TN HistClient113 Historian Client Report getting error message Can't execute code in design mode.
Last updated: March 6th, 2025Description
- Author: Alex Davenport
- Published: March 6th, 2025
After Installing the Historian Client software and trying to open the Historian Client Report for the first time you get a 'Can't execute code in design mode' error followed by a 'Macro cannot be found' error. This Tech Note walks you through how to resolve this.
- Author: Alex Davenport
- Published: 12/16/2015
- Applies to: Historian Client
- When opening Historian Client Report for the first time Microsoft Word appears with the following error message. Click the OK button.
- Another error message appears and again click the OK button.
- In Microsoft Word click on the File Menu then the Options button as seen below.
- The Wizard option menu appears then click on the Trust Center Tab then the Trust Center Settings button
- The Trust Center Menu appears and then click on the Macro Settings button and then select the Enable all macros option as seen below. Click the OK button
- Another error message will appear and click the OK button. Restart Historian Client Report and this will start with no error messages.