TN AppSvr172 How to test communications on the DIObject inside the galaxy using WWClient
Last updated: February 20th, 2025Description
- Author: Michael Viteri
- Published: February 20th, 2025
How to test communications on the DIObject inside the galaxy using WWClient. This will help troubleshoot communication to your PLC.
- Author: Mike Viteri
- Published: 11/12/2015
- Applies to: DIObjects/Application Server
You should already have a DI Object deployed in setup and deployed in your galaxy. In this example we are using the DICIP.
You will need to know what topic/scangroup has been setup in side of the PLC Object. My PLC Object is just called PLC. The topic/scangroup inside of the object is called "myplc".
When using a DAServer with wwclient we can just advised the topic name but using a DIObject we have to use a concatenation of the Objectname_topicname. For example mine will look like this "PLC_myplc".
This can also be confirmed by going to the PC that you deployed the DIObject to. On the PC you deployed to it will install the DIObject as a DAServer you should have this server listed in the DAServer Manager group in the SMC.
If you click under diagnostics under the DAServer you should see Device Groups. When Device Groups is clicked on you should see the topic you want to test on the right hand side.
Now you will have to test your topic using WWClient. WWClient can be downloaded from here if you don't have it.
Open the WWClient Icon which is two hands shaking. Once you do go to the File Menu
Click Connections->Create.
You will have enter three fields of information.
Node-is the PC you have the DIObject deployed to.
Application-this is the DI Object. In this example im using the DASABCIP.
Topic-This is the object_topic name that we see in our device groups under the Diagnostics section.
Next you will click on the create button and it will return a line of data. Once you get hex number below that is anything but all zeros this means you are connected to the topic. Now you can start testing your items.
For more help with WWClient click here.