TN DA108 ABTCP DAServer Error Message Descriptions and Solutions
Last updated: March 6th, 2025Description
- Author: Brian Schneider
- Published: March 6th, 2025
The following table lists all the generic-DAServer and ABTCP-DAServer-specific error messages up to and including DASABTCP version 3.x
Each message includes an explanation, possible cause, and solution.
Descriptions and Solutions
Error Message | Explanation | Possible Cause | Solution |
PLC connection attempt timed out, closing socket at <Time unit in Msec> | The TCPIP socket was closed due to time-out when attempted to connect to the PLC. |
1. The network has not been set up correctly or is having a problem. 2. The PLC is not set up or is having a problem. |
1. Make sure the network is set up and running correctly. 2. Make sure the PLC is set up and running correctly. |
PLC message timed out, revoking message <Message ID> at <Time unit in Msec> | The message was revoked due to time-out while waiting for a response from the PLC. |
1. The network communications is having a problem. 2. The PLC is having a problem communicating. |
1. Make sure the network is functioning. 2. Make sure the PLC is functioning. |
runt Unsolicited msg packet received on <Host IP Address> | Invalid unsolicited message packet was received. | The PLC is not set up correctly. | Set up the PLC for unsolicited message communications. |
Maximum number of socket <MAX> exceeded | Exceeded the maximum number of TCPIP sockets allowed. | The maximum number of sockets allowed is exceeded. | Free socket usage. |
Error encountered initializing Unsolicited Data Port. No direct (i.e.: peer-to-peer) unsolicited data will be accepted. | Failed to create a TCPIP socket for the "peer-to-peer" unsolicited data used. Result: no unsolicited data can be accepted. |
1. The network communications is having a problem. 2. The PLC is having a problem communicating. |
1. Make sure the network is functioning. 2. Make sure the PLC is functioning. |
WSAStartup() returned <Error Code> | Error code returned by the failing WinSocket Initialization routine. | Failed to initialize a Window Socket in the system, due to an internal system error. | Check the returned error code against the Microsoft error code list to fix the WinSock initialization problem. |
Winsock description: <Description string> |
When the verbose flag is on, this message is displayed after the preceding WinSocket initialization failing message. This message contains a brief description for the error code returned. |
More description for the preceding failing WinSocket initialization routine. | Check the description and fix the problem according to Microsoft’s error list. |
Winsock sys status: <Status string> |
When the verbose flag is on, this message is displayed after the preceding WinSocket initialization failing message. This message contains a brief status string for the error code returned. |
More description for the preceding failing WinSocket initialization routine. | Check the description and fix the problem according to Microsoft’s error list. |
Rejected <PLC Type> ITEM = <Item Name> on plc <PLC Name with hierarchy path> | The item requested by the client was rejected. |
1. The requested item syntax was incorrect. 2. The hierarchy PLC name was incorrect. |
1. Correct the syntax of the item. 2. Correct the hierarchy path for the PLC name. |
A floating point value read for Item: [ITEM] on Topic: [TOPIC] was NOT A VALID NUMBER (Negative Infinity), therefore, it was converted to -3.4e38 |
A bad negative floating value was read from the PLC. The value was changed by the DAServer to a known good value before sending it to the client. |
Bad data was read. | None. |
A floating point value read for Item: [ITEM] on Topic: [TOPIC] was NOT A VALID NUMBER (Positive Infinity), therefore, it was converted to +3.4e38 |
A bad positive floating value was read from the PLC. The DAServer changed the value to a known good value before sending it to the client. |
Bad data was read. | None. |
A floating point value read for Item: [ITEM] on Topic: [TOPIC] was NOT A VALID NUMBER (!NaN!), therefore, it was converted to +3.4e38 | A bad positive floating value was read from the PLC. The DAServer changed the value to a known good value before sending it to the client. | Bad data was read. | None. |
Could not find PLC node when creating message | Failed to find the PLC node from the hierarchy from the message. | When creating the message for the item, the DAServer cannot locate the PLC node. Possible corrupted or bad CFG file. | Check and correct the CFG file. |
Response code [CmdNum# from reply] different from command code [CmdNum# from original request] | The response message’s command code does not match the original command code. | This error indicates something is very wrong. Either the PLC is bad or the communications between the PLC and the computer is bad – in such a way that wrong data is passing between the DAServer and the PLC. | Make sure the DAServer is running correctly. Make sure the PLC is running correctly. Restart both the PLC and the DAServer if needed. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: An address field has an illegal value - check the Topic Configuration dialog, the block sizes may be too large or the PLC type may be incorrect. | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed due to an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Bad request message was constructed and sent. | Make sure the request message was correctly formatted and sent. Make sure the PLC is configured correctly. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: Not enough address fields specified - check the Topic Configuration dialog, the block sizes may be too large or the PLC type may be incorrect. | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because an incorrect format in the message was found. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Bad request message was constructed and sent. | Make sure the request message is correctly formatted and sent. Make sure the PLC is configured correctly. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: Too many address fields specified - check the Topic Configuration dialog, the block sizes may be too large or the PLC type may be incorrect | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because of an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Bad request message was constructed and sent. | Make sure the request message is correctly formatted and sent. Make sure the PLC is configured correctly. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: Addressed symbol not found - check the Topic Configuration dialog, the block sizes may be too large or the PLC type may be incorrect. | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed due to an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Bad request message was constructed and sent. | Make sure the request message is correctly constructed and sent. Make sure the PLC is configured correctly. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: Addressed symbol is > 8 or <= 0 length - check the Topic Configuration dialog, the block sizes may be too large or the PLC type may be incorrect. | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because an incorrect format in the message was found. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Bad request message was constructed and sent. | Make sure the request message is correctly formatted and sent. Make sure the PLC is configured correctly. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: This address does not exist in PLC - check Data Table definition inside PLC and make sure ALL requested points are defined. | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed due to an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Bad request message was constructed and sent. | Make sure the request message is correctly constructed and sent. Make sure the PLC is configured correctly. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: One or more points specified within this message do not exist in the PLC's Data Table - Please define, inside the PLC, the missing point(s). | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because an incorrect format in the message was found. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Bad request message was constructed and sent. | Make sure the request message is correctly formatted and sent. Make sure the PLC is configured correctly. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: Cannot complete request; the situation inside the PLC and/or bridge devices has changed since the command started. | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed due to an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Bad request message was constructed and sent. | Make sure the request message is correctly constructed and sent. Make sure the PLC is configured correctly. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: Data or File is too large - the packet the PLC is trying to send back is too large - check the Topic Configuration dialog. | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed due to an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Bad request message was constructed and sent. | Make sure the request message is correctly formatted and sent. Make sure the PLC is configured correctly. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: Transaction size too large for protocol - check the Topic Configuration dialog, the block sizes may be too large or the PLC type may be incorrect. | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because of an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Bad request message was constructed and sent. | Make sure the request message is correctly formatted and sent. Make sure the PLC is configured correctly. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: Access Denied; improper privilege - the PLC has refused us access to one or more of the data points in this message - check PRIVILEGE settings inside PLC. | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed due to an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Bad request message was constructed and sent. | Make sure the request message is correctly formatted and sent. Make sure the PLC is configured correctly. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: A resource is not available - A programming terminal may be connected to (communicating with) this PLC - please disconnect the programming terminal. | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because of an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Write to read/write to a PLC that is already connected to a programming terminal. | Disconnect the programming terminal to the PLC and repeat the read/write operation. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: Condition already exists; resource is already available - a loss of communications synchronization has occurred - if it continues, restart the DAServer. | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because of an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Bad request message was constructed and sent. | Make sure the request message is correctly constructed and sent. If error continues, restart the DAServer and repeat the read/write operation. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: Command cannot be executed - the PLC has refused to execute the command we have sent to it - check the PLC type in the Topic Configuration dialog. | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed due to an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Bad request message was constructed and sent. | Make sure the request message is correctly formatted and sent. Make sure the PLC is configured correctly. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: No Access - the PLC has refused us access to one or more of the data points in this message - check PRIVILEGE settings inside the PLC. | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because an incorrect format in the message was found. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Cannot access the PLC. | Make sure the PLC is configured correctly. Repeat the read/write operation after correcting the configuration. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: The data type requested (see FileType parameter) may not match the data type for the specified file number inside the PLC. | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed due to an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Bad request message was constructed and sent. | Make sure the request message is correctly formatted and sent. Make sure the PLC is configured correctly. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: The PLC has rejected the format of our command - check the Topic Configuration dialog, the block sizes may be too large or the PLC type may be incorrect. | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because of an incorrect format in message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Bad request message was constructed and sent. | Make sure the request message is correctly formatted and sent. Make sure the PLC is configured correctly. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: At least one word of the PLC's Data Table we are requesting with this message has been marked for deletion by a programming terminal - this is illegal. | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed due to an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Bad request message was constructed and sent. | Make sure the request message is correctly constructed and sent. Make sure the PLC is configured correctly. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: Data conversion error - check PLC configuration and PLC type selection inside the Topic Configuration dialog. | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because of an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Bad request message was constructed and sent. | Make sure the request message is correctly formatted and sent. Make sure the PLC is configured correctly. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: Remove I/O Scanner not able to communicate with 1771 rack adapter - check PLC for problems. | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because an incorrect format in the message was found. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Bad request message was constructed and sent. | Make sure the request message is correctly constructed and sent. Make sure the PLC is configured correctly. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: Remove I/O Adapter cannot communicate with module - check PLC for problems. | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed due to an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Bad request message was constructed and sent. | Make sure the request message is correctly formatted and sent. Make sure the PLC is configured correctly. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: PLC's remote I/O scanner is unable to update the requested data because of a communications problem - check PLC for problems. | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because of an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Bad request message was constructed and sent. | Make sure the request message is correctly formatted and sent. Make sure the PLC is configured correctly. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: Duplicated Label in Message and/or PLC - you should check PLC setup and Topic Configuration for errors. | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed due to an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Bad request message was constructed and sent. | Make sure the request message is correctly constructed and sent. Make sure the PLC is configured correctly. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: File is open; another node owns it - a programming terminal may connect to (communicating with) this PLC - please disconnect the programming terminal. | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed due to an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Write to read/write to a PLC that is already connected to a programming terminal. | Disconnect the programming terminal to the PLC and repeat the read/write operation. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: Another node is the PLC program owner - a programming terminal may connected to (communicating with) this PLC - please disconnect the programming terminal. | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because an incorrect format in the message was found. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Write to read/write to a PLC that is already connected to a programming terminal. | Disconnect the programming terminal to the PLC and repeat the read/write operation. |
ERROR - When topic: [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] encountered the following error: Unknown Communication Error | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because of an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Bad request message was constructed and sent. This is a "catch-all" error message. | Make sure the request message is correctly formatted and sent. Make sure the PLC is configured correctly. |
Error - When topic [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] it encountered the following error:STS=[sts error code]: Destination node (PLC) is out of buffer space - Therefore, the PLC is refusing to accept our messages | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed due to an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Cannot communicate with the PLC correctly. |
Make sure the PLC is configured and running correctly and successfully. Make sure the PLC is on line and is communicating with the DAServer. |
Error - When topic [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] it encountered the following error:STS=[sts error code]: Remote node is not acknowledging (ACK) our requests for data - Is the PLC on-line? Is the bridge device on-line? | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed due to an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Cannot communicate with the PLC correctly. |
Make sure the PLC is configured and running correctly and successfully. Make sure the PLC is on line and is communicating with the DAServer. |
Error - When topic [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] it encountered the following error:STS=[sts error code]: Duplicate token holder detected - two stations on the highway have the same address (this is illegal) | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because an incorrect format in the message was found. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Cannot communicate with the PLC correctly. |
Make sure the PLC is configured and running correctly and successfully. Make sure the PLC is on line and is communicating with the DAServer. |
Error - When topic [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] it encountered the following error:STS=[sts error code]: Local port is disconnected - we may not be connected (physically) to the highway - check the cabling (wired incorrectly?) and _ALL_ connectors (loose?) | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because of an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Cannot communicate with the PLC correctly. |
Make sure the PLC is configured and running correctly and successfully. Make sure the PLC is on line and is communicating with the DAServer. Make sure cabling is correctly connected. |
Error - When topic [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] it encountered the following error:STS=[sts error code]: Application layer timed out waiting for a response | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed due to an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Cannot communicate with the PLC correctly. |
Make sure the PLC is configured and running correctly and successfully. Make sure the PLC is on line and is communicating with the DAServer. |
Error - When topic [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] it encountered the following error:STS=[sts error code]: Duplicate node detected - two stations on the highway have the same address (this is illegal) | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed due to an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Cannot communicate with the PLC correctly. |
Make sure the PLC is configured and running correctly and successfully. Make sure the PLC is on line and is communicating with the DAServer. |
Error - When topic [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] it encountered the following error:STS=[sts error code]: Station is off-line - the PLC we are attempting to contact is not on-line | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because of an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Cannot communicate with the PLC correctly. |
Make sure all PLCs are configured and running correctly and successfully. Make sure the PLC is on line and is communicating with the DAServer. |
Error - When topic [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] it encountered the following error:STS=[sts error code]: Hardware fault - a hardware problem has prevented messages from being sent | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because the message was incorrectly formatted. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Cannot communicate with the PLC correctly. |
Make sure all PLCs are configured and running correctly and successfully. Make sure the PLC is on line and is communicating with the DAServer. Make sure all the hardware is running and functioning correctly. |
Error - When topic [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] it encountered the following error:STS=[sts error code]: Unknown Communication Error | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed due to an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Cannot communicate with the PLC correctly. |
Make sure all PLCs are configured and running correctly and successfully. Make sure the PLC is on line and is communicating with the DAServer. Make sure all the hardware is running and functioning correctly. |
Error - When topic [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] it encountered the following error:STS=[sts error code]: Illegal command or format - check the Topic Configuration dialog, the block sizes may be too large, or the wrong PLC type may be selected | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because the message was incorrectly formatted. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Bad request message was constructed and sent. | Make sure the request message is correctly formatted and sent. Make sure the PLC is configured correctly. |
Error - When topic [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] it encountered the following error:STS=[sts error code]: Remote host will not communicate - PLC may not be on-line | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed due to an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Cannot communicate with the remote PLC correctly. | Make sure all PLCs and all remote devices are configured and running correctly and successfully. |
Error - When topic [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] it encountered the following error:STS=[sts error code]: Remote host missing or down - PLC may not be on-line | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because of an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Cannot communicate with the remote PLC correctly. | Make sure all PLCs and all remote devices are configured and running correctly and successfully. |
Error - When topic [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] it encountered the following error:STS=[sts error code]: Remote host hardware fault - PLC has experienced a hardware fault | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because an incorrect format in the message was found. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Cannot communicate with the remote PLC correctly. |
Make sure all PLCs and all remote devices are configured and running correctly and successfully. Make sure all the hardware is working correctly. |
Error - When topic [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] it encountered the following error:STS=[sts error code]: Addressing problem or memory protection rungs (inside the PLC) have prevented us from retrieving the requested information | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because the message was incorrectly formatted. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Cannot communicate with the remote PLC correctly. |
Make sure all PLCs and all remote devices are configured and running correctly and successfully. Make sure all the hardware is working correctly. |
Error - When topic [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] it encountered the following error:STS=[sts error code]: Function disallowed due to command protection inside the PLC, or the position of a hardware key on the PLC | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed due to an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Cannot communicate with the remote PLC correctly. |
Make sure all PLCs and all remote devices are configured and running correctly and successfully. Make sure all the hardware is working correctly. |
Error - When topic [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] it encountered the following error:STS=[sts error code]: PLC processor is in PROGRAM mode - it must be in RUN mode for us to be able to gather data | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed due to an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Cannot communicate with the remote PLC correctly. |
Make sure all the PLCs and remote devices are configured and running correctly and successfully. Make sure all the hardware is working correctly. Make sure the PLC is not in the program mode, but rather is in the RUN mode. |
Error - When topic [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] it encountered the following error:STS=[sts error code]: Compatibility mode file missing or communication zone problem inside the PLC | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because an incorrect format in the message was found. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Cannot communicate with the remote PLC correctly. |
Make sure all the PLCs and remote devices are configured and running correctly and successfully. Make sure all the hardware is working correctly. |
Error - When topic [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] it encountered the following error:STS=[sts error code]: Remote node (PLC or Bridge Device) cannot buffer the command we are trying to send it | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed due to an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Cannot communicate with the remote PLC correctly. |
Make sure all the PLCs and remote devices are configured and running correctly and successfully. Make sure all the hardware is working correctly. Make sure the correct message to send to the remote PLC has been constructed. |
Error - When topic [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] it encountered the following error:STS=[sts error code]: Remote node (PLC or Bride Device) problem due to download - a download is most likely in progress, please wait until it is complete | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because the message was incorrectly formatted. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Cannot communicate with the remote PLC correctly. |
Make sure all PLCs and all remote devices are configured and running correctly and successfully. Make sure all the hardware is working correctly. Repeat the read/write operation after the download operation is completed. |
Error - When topic [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] it encountered the following error:STS=[sts error code]: Cannot execute command due to active IPBs inside the PLC | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed due to an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Cannot communicate with the remote PLC correctly. |
Make sure all PLCs and all remote devices are configured and running correctly and successfully. Make sure all the hardware is working correctly. |
Error - When topic [TopicName] tried to Read/Write [DESC of the item] it encountered the following error:STS=[sts error code]: Cannot execute command due to active IPBs inside the PLC | When doing this read or write operation to the item, the operation failed because of an incorrect format in the message. The reason for failure is included in the message. | Cannot communicate with the remote PLC correctly. |
Make sure all the PLCs and remote devices are configured and running correctly and successfully. Make sure all the hardware is working correctly. |
recv() for [HostName] on port [PortNumber] failed | Failed to read from the Window Socket specified. | Failed to read from the Winsock. | Repeat the operation by restarting the DAServer. |
recd packet from [HostName] too big on port [PortNumber] ([#of bytes received] bytes) | The received packet from the PLC exceeds the maximum packet size allowed for this type of protocol. | Incorrect data packet was read from the Socket. | Repeat the operation by restarting the DAServer. |
connect() for [HostName] on port [PortNumber] refused | PLC has refused to make the connection via the WinSock. | Failed to make the connection with the PLC. | Reset the PLC and/or the DAServer and try again. |
connect() for [HostName] on port [PortNumber] failed | Failed to make the connection with the PLC. | Failed to make the connection with the PLC. | Reset the PLC and/or the DAServer and try again. |
attempt to resolve remote hostname [HostName] failed | Failed to resolve the HostName. | The HostName cannot be translated to a valid IP address internally. | Use a correct HostName. |
A PLC (IP: [IPAddress]) attempted to send us an unsolicited data packet. But the maximum number of simultaneous unsolicited data connections [MAX socket] has already been reached. Data packet ignored. | The maximum number of sockets used for unsolicited data communications was reached. No more unsolicited data package will be accepted. | The maximum number of sockets used for unsolicited data communications was reached. No more unsolicited data package will be accepted. | Decrease the number of unsolicited data to communicate to the socket. |
ABTCPAcceptedSocket::Initialize unable to associate an event with a handle | Unable to associate the event with a valid handle within the internal state computer. | Software internal error. | Restart the DAServer and try again. |
Timeout waiting for initialization packet from PLC on an unsolicited data port connected to [HostName] | Time-out occurred while waiting for unsolicited data header from a PLC. | Failed to receive unsolicited data from a PLC. | Make sure the PLC is configured to send out unsolicited data correctly. Make sure the DAServer is functioning correctly. |
Timeout waiting for data packet from PLC on an unsolicited data port connected to [HostName] | Time-out occurred while waiting for unsolicited data packet from a PLC. | Failed to receive unsolicited data from a PLC. | Make sure the PLC is configured to send out unsolicited data correctly. Make sure the DAServer iscorrectly functional. |
Timeout waiting for an unknown event from PLC on an unsolicited data port connected to [HostName] | Time-out occurred while waiting for unsolicited data packet from a PLC. | Failed to receive unsolicited data from a PLC. | Make sure the PLC is configured to send out unsolicited data correctly. Make sure the DAServer is functioning correctly. |
An error occurred attempting to complete the initialization of an unsolicited connection. | When the initialization portion of the unsolicited data was received, a Winsock error occurred. | Failed to receive the initialization portion of the unsolicited data packet from the PLC. | Make sure the PLC is configured to send out unsolicited data correctly. Make sure the DAServer is functioning correctly. |
An error occurred attempting to receive the data portion of an unsolicited connection. | When the data portion of the unsolicited data was received, a Winsock error occurred. | Failed to receive the data portion of the unsolicited data packet from the PLC. | Make sure the PLC is configured to send out unsolicited data correctly. Make sure the DAServer is functioning correctly. |
Minor Error: Winsock told us data was waiting for us, but when we checked it, the whole message wasn't there. Ignoring Winsock Message. | Winsock error occurred; ignore the event. | Winsock error occurred; ignore the event. | Ignore the event and the message. |
State engine error. Received Unsol DATA packet, but socket was not waiting for one. Ignoring packet | Winsock error occurred; ignore the event. | Winsock error occurred; ignore the event. | Ignore the event and the message. |