TN Appsvr179 How to create a new instance of a contained object via a Galaxy Dump
Last updated: March 7th, 2025Description
- Author: Alex Davenport
- Published: March 7th, 2025
This Tech Note will walk you through creating a new instance of a contained object called Mixer via a Galaxy Dump into a CSV then importing the newly created object into the Galaxy.
- Author: Alex Davenport
- Published: 12/17/2015
- Applies to: Application Server
- In Your Galaxy Deployment View select the entire contained instance you wish to duplicate.
- Right click on the contained instance and select the below option.
- Name the CSV appropriately and in this example we will save it as the same name Mixer100.
- The Galaxy Dump message box appears and once completed click the Close button.
- Open Microsoft Excel and click the File - Open option. Browse to where you saved your CSV and click the Open button. The Text Import Wizard appears then select the below options making sure Delimited and the Comma box have been selected then click the Finish button
- The CSV will now appear as seen below.
- Hold down the Ctrl button and click the f button to select the Find and Replace Menu. Click on Replace tab and enter the appropriate text in the Find and Replace Fields. This will be the contained instance parent name Mixer100 to 200 and then replacing the child objects from_001 to _002.
- Everything should have been renamed correctly as you see below. The Mixer parent object has been changed to Mixer 200 and the child objects have been changed from _001 to _002.
- Save the edited CSV file to a new name different from the original. In this example it's Mixer200. Remember to make sure you select in the Save as type to CSV (Comma seperated) as seen below.
- Microsoft Excel will ask you to save the file in the current format so click Yes. Exit out of Excel selecting No to the next question.
- You will now see two versions of the CSV file as seen below.
- We will now import the newly created CSV file into our Galaxy using the menu option below.
- Browse to the newly created CSV file then click the Open button.
- The Galaxy Load Conflict Resolution menu appears and leave this with the default settings.
- The Galaxy Load box appears and once completed click the close button. The new contained object named Mixer200 will now appear in your Galaxy.