TN Appsvr135 How to Shelve an Alarm in Object Viewer
Last updated: February 28th, 2025Description
- Author: Alex Davenport
- Published: February 28th, 2025
One of the new additional features is the ability to shelve and unshelve alarms in RunTime. This document will walk you through the process of doing this.
- Author: Davenport Alex
- Published: 06/25/2015
- Applies to: AppServer 2014 R2
- Open Object Viewer and browse to the Object in question you wish to shelve alarms on. Select the attriubute you wish to shelve and add this into the Watch Window.
- Once the attribute has been added to the Watch Window and we can see a Good value then double click the attribute.
- The below Dialog screen appears.
- Enter a duration in hours you wish the alarm to be shelved for and if it's less than an hour you will need to use decimal fractions. Then enter a Reason (you must enter something) then click the apply button. The alarm will be shelved