Application Server scripts that INSERT, UPDATE & SELECT in a SQL database
Last updated: February 24th, 2025Description
- Author: Brian Schneider
- Published: February 24th, 2025
The following script renders the table of contents for this page.
The section below provides background information on the issue that was experienced.
The following scripts show you how to use ADO scripting do the following transactions to/from a database in Industrial Application Server:
- Construct a connection string hosted in a single object
- An INSERT of data into a SQL database
- An UPDATE of an existing record in a SQL database by providing filter criteria
- A SELECT that retrieves a single record of data from a database by providing filter criteria
The "lorem ipsum..." section below should be replaced with a description of the solution provided in repeatable steps.
Template Object - $DBObjectAppEngine
Required UDA
ConnectStr |
String (user writeable) |
Script Configuration
Script Name: |
"DBInitialize" |
Execute Type: |
"OnScan" (locked) |
Declarations (locked)
Dim DBServer AS String;
Dim DBName AS String;
Dim DBUser AS String;
Dim DBPwd AS String;
' This script is used to set up the database connection string.
' The default SQL connection string has the following format:
' Server=W2003SVR;Database=Runtime;UID=wwAdmin;PWD=wwadmin;
DBServer = "W2003SVR";
DBName = "Runtime";
DBUser = "wwAdmin";
DBPwd = "mypwd";
Me.ConnectStr = "Server=" + DBServer + ";Database=" + DBName + ";UID=" + DBUser + ";PWD=" + DBPwd + ";";
Template Object - $BatchObject
Required UDAs
BatchID |
Integer |
BatchTrigger |
Boolean (could be Field Attribute from IO) |
MachineID |
String |
SQLErrorMsg |
String |
Script Configuration
Script Name: |
"BuildBatch" |
Execute Type: |
"Execute" |
Expression: |
"Me.BatchTrigger == 1" |
Trigger Type: |
"OnTrue" |
Trigger Period: |
"00:00:00.0000000" |
Dim dt AS System.Datetime;
Dim SQLConn AS System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection;
Dim SQLCmd AS System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand;
Dim SQLRdr AS System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader;
Script to INSERT data
Dim sQuery as string;
Dim iRC as integer;
Dim sTrigDate as string;
dt = Now();
sTrigDate = (dt.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"));
Logmessage ("*** Script BuildBatch: Executing for " + Me.Tagname + " at " + sTrigDate + " ***");
iRC = -1;
SQLConn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(MyEngine.ConnectStr);
sQuery = "INSERT INTO [Batch] ";
sQuery = sQuery + " ([BatchID], [MachineID], [StartDate]) ";
sQuery = sQuery + " VALUES ('" + Me.BatchID + "','" + Me.MachineID + "','" + sTrigDate +"')";
SQLCmd = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(sQuery, SQLConn);
iRC = SQLCmd.ExecuteNonQuery( );
SQLConn.Close() ;
If iRC <> 1 Then
Logmessage ("*** Insert Failed *** RC = " + Text(iRC, "#") + " -:- BatchID = " + Me.BatchID );
Me.SQLErrorMsg = "Insert Failed -:- RC = " + Text(iRC, "#") + " -:- BatchID = " + Me.BatchID ;
Me.SQLErrorMsg = "Insert Success";
Required UDAs
BatchID |
Integer |
PrevBatchID |
Integer |
BatchTrigger |
Boolean (could be Field Attribute from IO) |
MachineID |
String |
EndDate |
DateTime |
WasteAmt |
Float |
SQLErrorMsg |
String |
Script Configuration
Script Name: |
"UpdateBatch" |
Execute Type: |
"Execute" |
Expression: |
"Me.BatchTrigger == 1" |
Trigger Type: |
"OnFalse" |
Trigger Period: |
"00:00:00.0000000" |
Dim dt AS System.Datetime;
Dim SQLConn AS System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection;
Dim SQLCmd AS System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand;
Dim SQLRdr AS System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader;
Script to UPDATE a data record
Dim sQuery as string;
Dim iRC as integer;
Dim sWasteAmt as string;
Dim sTrigDate as string;
dt = Now();
sTrigDate = (dt.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"));
Logmessage ("*** Script UpdateBatch: Executing for " + Me.Tagname + " at " + sTrigDate + " ***");
iRC = -1;
SQLConn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(MyEngine.ConnectStr);
sWasteAmt = Text(Me.WasteAmt, "#.00");
sQuery = "UPDATE [Batch] SET [EndDate] = '" + sTrigDate + "'";
sQuery = sQuery + ", [WasteAmt] = " + sWasteAmt ;
sQuery = sQuery + " WHERE [BatchID] = '" + Me.PrevBatchID + "'";
sQuery = sQuery + " AND [MachineID] = '" + Me.MachineID + "'";
sQuery = sQuery + " AND [EndDate] IS NULL";
SQLCmd = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(sQuery, SQLConn);
iRC = SQLCmd.ExecuteNonQuery( );
SQLConn.Close() ;
If iRC <> 1 Then
Logmessage ("*** Update Failed *** RC = " + Text(iRC, "#") + " -:- BatchID = " + Me.PrevBatchID );
Me.SQLErrorMsg = "Update Failed -:- RC = " + Text(iRC, "#") + " -:- BatchID = " + Me.PrevBatchID ;
Me.SQLErrorMsg = "Update Success";
Required UDA
BatchID |
Integer |
PrevBatchID |
Integer |
QueryBatch |
Boolean (could be Field Attribute from IO) |
MachineID |
String |
StartDate |
DateTime |
EndDate |
DateTime |
WasteAmt |
Float |
SQLErrorMsg |
String |
Script Configuration
Script Name: |
"SelectBatch" |
Execute Type: |
"Execute" |
Expression: |
"Me.QueryBatch == 1" |
Trigger Type: |
"OnTrue" |
Trigger Period: |
"00:00:00.0000000" |
Dim dt AS System.Datetime;
Dim SQLConn AS System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection;
Dim SQLCmd AS System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand;
Dim SQLRdr AS System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader;
Script to SELECT a data record
Me.QueryBatch = 0;
Dim sQuery as string;
Dim iRC as integer;
Dim sWasteAmt as string;
Dim sTrigDate as string;
dt = Now();
sTrigDate = (dt.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"));
Logmessage ("*** Script SelectBatch: Executing for " + Me.Tagname + " at " + sTrigDate + " ***");
iRC = -1;
SQLConn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(MyEngine.ConnectStr);
sQuery = "SELECT [BatchID], [MachineID], [StartDate], [EndDate], [WasteAmt] ";
sQuery = sQuery + "FROM [Batch] WHERE [BatchID] = " + Me.PrevBatchID ;
SQLCmd = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(sQuery, SQLConn);
''select the required fields for a Batch Id lookup
SQLRdr = SQLCmd.ExecuteReader();
''loads Batch header into IAS memory
While SQLRdr.Read()
me.BatchID = SQLRdr("BatchID");
me.MachineID = SQLRdr("MachineID");
me.StartDate = SQLRdr("StartDate");
me.EndDate = SQLRdr("EndDate");
me.WasteAmt = SQLRdr("WasteAmt");
SQLConn.Close() ;