TN AppSvr326 Wonderware System Platform ArchestrA Graphics Script Load Timing and Scripting Practices
Last updated: March 7th, 2025Description
- Author: Brian Schneider
- Published: March 7th, 2025
This article from InSource shows how to address Wonderware System Platform ArchestrA Graphics script timing situations in loading in InTouch as well as some scripting practices.
- Author: Bruce Telford
- Published: 03/30/2020
- Applies to: System Platform 2017 ArchestrA Graphics
There are some changes in ArchestrA script behavior that I have observed over the years the System Platform (Application Server) has upgraded that change how scripts, that ran fine in previous releases, may not in more recent versions like System Platform 2017. Some are explainable, and simply good practices, and others not so easily explained. I have been programing in Wonderware systems for about 20 years and have written entire forms-based applications, custom and MES, so therefore learned some of the nuances of best ways to build scripts in ArchestrA Graphics Application Server Objects and databases. I share this because it can be frustrating.