TN Appsvr229 How to check the Interactive Services Detection service
Last updated: March 9th, 2025Description
- Author: Joe Hefner
- Published: March 9th, 2025
Some Wonderware products require services to be able to interact with the desktop. In order to ensure this can be successful the Windows "Interactive Services Detection" service may need to be started. This article from InSource walks through the process of checking and if necessary starting the service automatically.
- Author: Joseph Hefner
- Published: 3/3/2017
- Applies to: Application Server 2012 and above
Step 1) Launch the Microsoft Windows Service Panel. You can do this by going to the search window and typing Services.msc and then clicking on the services.msc icon.
Step 2) Locate the Interactive Services Detection service and confirm whether or not it is running. In the example below the service is not running:
Step 3) Right click on the service and choose "Properties":
Step 4) Click the "Start" button to start the service:
Step 5) If you wish to make sure the service always starts when the computer boots you can change the "Startup type" to automatic and click "Apply" as below: