TN AppSvr192 Appserver redundant engine fail back to primary platform
Last updated: March 9th, 2025Description
- Author: Michael Viteri
- Published: March 9th, 2025
This article from InSource to script an application engine to fail back to primary platform when it becomes available after a failure.
- Author: Mike Viteri
- Published: 03/9/2016
- Applies to: Application Server
When your primary platform fails your engines failover to the backup platform. When the primary platform comes back online the engine does fail over the the primary platform automatically. This script below will check for the avability of the primary platform. If it is ready the script will perform an force failover to the primary platform.
Create a script on your engine with the following information.(must be a redundant engine)
Name: RedundancyPrimaryActive
Execution type: Execute (default) and locked
Expression: (Me.Redundancy.Identity == 2) AND (Me.Redundancy.PartnerStatus == 4)
Trigger Type: OnTrue
Script body: Me.Redundancy.ForceFailoverCmd = true;
You can now save your script. Redeploy your engine. Failover your engine to the backup platform and it should return to the primary platform on its own.