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Common Platform Errors During Deployment

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Mike Viteri

Publish Date 10/18/2013

Applies to Software

System Platform

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Applies to System/Module


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Before trying any suggestions below. Please make sure that Firewall is off or OSconfiguration utility has been run. Also make sure User Account Control is off.


  • Deployment to remote node failed because of version mismatch.​

This message means that the GR and Remote Platform are not at the same Service Pack/Patch Level. Please make sure GR and Platform are at Same Version/Patch Level

  • Failed to deploy - another platform is deployed to the target pc.

This means another platform was deployed to the remote pc. There are still some registry keys in the remote pc causing the GR to think one is deployed. You will need to run the platform remover (which can be downloaded from WDN) on the remote pc to clean up the registery. Reboot the PC then try to redeploy.

  • Failed to deploy platform Remote Node's UserID/Password don't match GR Node's.

This error means the Wonderware network accounts are different on the GR and Remote Node.Rerun the change network account utility on each pc to make sure they match.

  • Error message when deploying platform. "Remote activation was necessary but server name was not provided".

This can be caused by name/IP mismatch, particularly when host files are used for name resolution, or by mismatched network accounts.

  • Can not deploy because another platform is already deployed to this computer.

Run the Platform Remover on remote node. Reboot then redeploy.

  • Unable to deploy code modules to target during deployment.

Uninstall and Reinstall the Bootstrap on the remote pc.

  • When trying to deploy a platform get "Failed to get bootstrap version"

Uninstall and Reinstall the Bootstrap on the remote pc.

  • "Impersonate user failed" on attempt to deploy GR platform.

This is related to a windows security issue. See Wonderware Tech Alert 60

  • Failed to deploy - communication error

Check Network Binding order on GR that is being deployed to. Archestra network should be first then RMC. Please check Wonderware Technote 773 for more information.

  •  Failed to deploy - cannot find the target pc on the network

This error is generated because of problmes with DNS/IP resolution. Use fixed IP addresses, and HOST file if DNS is not available

  • Failed to deploy, Platform ID already in use.

Deleted old platform. Create a new Platform and Redeploy.

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