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TN WW103 How to use a Wonderware License Dongle in a VM environment

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                            Tech Note                      



In some cases, such shipping software to a foreign country such as China, Wonderware requires a hardware USB license key to be used to validate a license.  This document discuss how to use one of these license keys (dongle) in a Virtual Machine environment.  


  • Author: Ted Fluehr
  • Published: 12/20/2014
  • Applies to: Wonderware Products



We recommend using a device called AnywhereUSB from Digi.  Basically you install this USB Hub on your network, install a driver on your VMs which maps to the physical USB ports on this device.  I have also attached a VMware Technote that discusses how to install this device in an VM ESX environment.

Technical Support has performed limited testing using a product called AnywhereUSB in relation with USB keyed licenses. The testing
was limited to validation of an InTouch 10.1 license in combination with VMware ESX Server 4.0 and Windows 2003 SP2, Windows XP SP3 and Windows 2008 SP2 images. When the AnywhereUSB unit was attached on a network with the same Subnet as the ESX Server and there were no Firewalls, the license USB key was recognized and the license validated.  More information on the AnywhereUSB product can be found on including a white paper on using AnywhereUSB with
VMware ESX Server. (
wp_ESXServer_AnywhereUSB.PDF)  All issues with set up and configuration of the AnywhereUSB product should be taken up with Digi International Inc.  (

