83893 - AVEVA Edge .NET Runtime Error and shutdown
Windows Server 2019 Standard Version 1809 Our primary version of aveva edge runtime had a .NET Runtime Error and shutdown. Our secondary runtime kicked in but had a SRTP driver exception and did not allow coms to the three GE PLCs on the program. The other driver SCHNE was working as expected. Application: Studio Manager.exe Framework Version: v4.0.30319 Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception. Exception Info: exception code c0000005, exception address 6ED08580
Version: 2020 R2
Service Pack: SP3
OS: Windows Server 2019
OS Service Pack:
Validated Installed updates are supported. Collected EventViewer, Dump Files and application. Escalated to Edge group. 3.9 Suggestions are Option 1 : uninstall / reinstall the product Option 2: Manually reinstall Edge prerequisites (located inside the AVEVA Edge installer folder): • AES2020.0.3.0\DISK1\ISSetupPrerequisites\{06D565DC-042E-4F1B-8702-2E0BD0F22805} - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 Setup • AES2020.0.3.0\DISK1\ISSetupPrerequisites\{72AAD3AB-420C-41F0-9BE5-D854C4037DEF} - Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x86) - 14.10.25017 Ensure Runtime is stopped and Edge is closed. 3.17 Primary and backup were both uninstalled reinstalled. 3.23 AVEVA suspended the SR due to the sporadic nature of the issue. Can be reopened
Close Date: 3/23/23 17:14