TN AppSvr105 Capturing RAM available in ArchestrA script
(Tech Note
When a computer has a platform deployed to it you can usually monitor the RAM available by simply looking at the RAM field for the platform in question. An alternative approach would be to use a performance counter to get a view into the available RAM. The script below is an example of how this can be done.
- Author: Joe Hefner
- Published: 10/14/2014
- Applies to: Application Server 3.1
The sample script above can be copied from below if desired:
dim ramCounter as System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter;
ramCounter = new System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter("Memory", "Available MBytes");
LogMessage( "Ram Available: " + ramCounter.NextValue()+"MB");
Confirmation of Success
See message log in the System Management console